05 – Lezioni di Yoga da sdraiati
00.26 Find a comfortable place in the house or a quite place in the house where we won’t be disturbed. Where there is a good probability not to be interrupted. Lay a yoga mattress on the ground. Bringing attention to the body lay down. Now the back is on the ground. On the mattress which is on the ground. It could help if there is rug underneath. If the floor is not warm, it could help if there was a rug and maybe a cloth and the mattress. Now we lay down and our legs are stretched out. The arms are along the flanks and resting on the ground, on the mattress.
1.44 The head is resting on the ground too. Bring the attention the breath and the belly’s movement when we inhale and exhale. The attention and awareness are on the belly’s movement now. The belly that rises and falls. We are aware that we breathe in when we breathe in and we are aware that we are breathing out when we breathe out.
2.25 Each time we realize that we tend to get distracted. Our attention has gone somewhere else, to a thought, am emotion, what we will do tomorrow or what he did today or yesterday. This is normal, becoming distracted is normal. That is the way we are, that is the way our mind is. We realize this and bring the awareness to recognize what it is that distracted us. Name, recognize if it was a thought or an emotion or whatever. Then gently bring the attention back, without judging. Bring the attention back to the belly’s movement during the in breath and the out breath. This movement at this time. The awareness follows what there is, gathers what there is here and now. Without wanting it differently, without controlling it, without judging. If we notice that we are judging, recognize and bring the attention back to the belly’s movement during the in breath and the out breath.
3.42 Continue observing the breath. The belly rises and falls. Observe the body’s contact points, the back and legs on the mattress. The sensations in those contact points. Also the contact points of the arms on the mattress.
4.35 The sensations in the whole body right now are in the field of awareness.
4.58 Gradually, start moving the arms. Bring them upward and gradually rest them on the floor behind the head. Try to find the maximum point of body extension at this time. Imagine touching one of the room’s walls with the feet and touching the other wall with the hands. Try to find our limit, our maximum point of extension, moving out of our comfort zone and being careful not to hurt ourselves.
5.52 When we feel that it is too much, we recognize by the body’s sensations. Try to notice which are the sensations that signal that we risk hurting ourselves Observe how the body sensations change while we are at the limit point of maximum extension. When we feel that it is too much bring the arms back to the ground and come out of the extension, observing the sensations that are now on the body after this movement.
6.49 We can do this extension once or more times depending on what we feel best for us at this time. If we remain still, observe the body sensations now.
7.31 Move the arms out wide, in a cross. Now the arms are extended with the palms on the ground. They are not behind the head anymore but are out wide making a cross out of our body. The legs are bent, bend the legs and rest the feet on the ground. Then notice that the lower back is more in contact with the ground. It was more curved before. Now choose how much it is possible to arch the back. The lower back arches to the maximum point of curvature. Where we feel the sensations start to change and we risk hurting ourselves, release the movement and slowly bring the belly and the back flat to the ground. Do this arching and flattening and arching movement, everyone at their own pace and limits, and explore the curvature limits and the connection between the lower back and the ground. The back is flat and slowly we arch it again. Continue observing the body sensations while we are doing this movement.
9.37 We can do this movement quickly or slowly. We can hold the arch longer or shorter depending on what the body asks for at the moment. Do it a few times and when we feel that it is too much release the position and slowly bring the knees to the chest. We can use the hands to help.
10.26 Now we bring the knees to the chest and if we feel it is possible at this time, slowly bring the head toward the knees. The forehead arrives close to the knees. Everyone tries to find their own limit. Stay at the limit point, observing the body sensations while doing the movement and while at the limit point. When we notice that it is too much, that the sensations are changing and are going towards pain, before the pain starts release the position and return the head to rest on the ground.
11.30 If we like, we can try bring the head and forehead to the knees a second time. If it feels possible we can do some left and right movements, rocking the back right and left. Also forward and backward, toward the glutei and toward the head and left and right. When we feel that it is too much release the position and return the feet to the ground.
12.20 Extend the legs. The return to rest on the ground. Observe the body sensations now after this movement. The feet, the legs, the torso , the head, the arms. What sensations are there now on the body?
13.16 Then slowly start to bend the left leg, bend the left knee. The left knee, also with help from the hands, approaches the chest. If we feel that it is possible, slowly bring the head and forehead to the left knee. Everyone finds their limit point and stays in their limit observing the sensations that there are in this position. When you feel that it is too much release the position and return the legs, feet and arms to rest on the ground in the position called the Dead Body Pose. Observe the sensations on the body lying on the ground also while it is still.
14.18 We can do the same thing with the right leg. Slowly bend the right leg. The right knee, also with help from the hands, approaches the chest. If we want or can bring the head to the right knee. When we feel that it is too much, release the position. Observe the body sensations now.
15.16 If we want, we can do this movement a second time. Starting with bringing the left knee to the chest. Bring the head to the left knee. While holding it, continue observing the body sensations in this position. When we feel that it is too much release the position and do the same with the right leg.
16.14 Return to the Dead Body Pose. Listen to the sensations now on the body after this movement. Then keeping the attention on the body, gradually, change position. Roll over with the belly toward the ground and we are resting on the legs, on the knees and on the hands.
17.04 This is the Table pose.
17.26 The back is straight, parallel to the floor and the head is in line with the back. As if the arms and legs made the legs of the table and the back and head are the flat part of the table. Observe the body sensations in this position. If possible, slowly, arch the back as if we were an angry cat, in the Cat Pose. Now arch the back upwards, as if we had a rope that goes from our back and brings the it upward. Follow the rope, arch the back. When we feel that it is too much, we are at our limit point. We notice that the sensations are changing and we risk hurting ourselves, slowly release the position and go to the opposite position. Now or back is arched downward. Some call this the Cow Pose because the belly is stretching downward, relaxed downward and the back is curved toward the ground.
19.14 Then, when we feel it is possible, if it is possible for us, we can do this movement a second time. Slowly go back to the Table Pose then the Cat Pose, arching the back to its maximum point. When we feel that the sensations change to the point where we risk hurting ourselves, release the Cat and we are find ourselves in the Cow Pose again with the belly downwards.
19.59 With the opposite curvature to the previous one. We can do it a third time or we can wait and observe the body sensation. Continue to observe the body sensations whether we do a third movement or if we stay still in the Table Pose. What sensations are there? What qualities do they have? How do the change, if they change?
20.41 Then, if I feel that it is possible at this time, raise, bring the weight on the right hand and the left leg, on the left knee. Slowly raise the left hand and the right leg to the point where both, the left hand and arm and the extended right leg, make a straight line with the back. They are all parallel, back, leg and arm extended, are parallel to the ground. Stay in the position, observing the body sensations in this position as long as possible. Move out of the comfort zone. I feel the limit. I feel when it is too much and when it is too much, release the position and return to resting both hands and knees on the ground. Observe the breath. Observe the heart. I am aware of the heart beats and the movement of the breath. I am aware of the sensations on the hands, on the arms, on the back, the whole body. Everyone decides if they can to do the same movement raising the right hand and arm and the left leg. Now the right hand and arm and the left leg raise, leaving the weight on the left hand and right leg. Raising them, the right arm and left leg, they go in line with the back. They are parallel to the floor. And the head. When I feel that it is too much, I release the position and return resting the weight on all four “table legs” or rather the two arms and two knees. There is space between the hands. There is space between the knees. I listen to the body sensations in the Table Pose. If I feel that it is possible, I can do this movement again on both sides. If I feel that it is not possible, I continue observing the sensations that there are in this position. Everyone chooses whether to remain in the Table Pose or to do the movement a second time.
23.53 In either case, we continue observing the body sensations. We are aware of the space that the body occupies, the body sensations, the body and the sensations that it has
24.37 Then keeping the attention on the body, change positions and return to laying on the back but doing this transition with awareness. Continuing to observe the body sensations while we return to the Dead man pose, with the back on the mattress.
25.33 Observe the body sensations. What sensations are there now. How have they changed? Are they changing now? How? Or have they remained unchanged? Observe what is happening in the body now. Slowly bring the arms to rest on the ground behind the head with the palms turned up and the backs of the hands on the ground. Bend the knees and rest both feet on the ground. Slowly, putting pressure on the feet, I notice that the tailbone starts to raise, the pelvis and to the point where maybe there is a diagonal line going from the knees through the tailbone to the chest. Hold the position up to the limit point. Until the sensations start to transform and I realize that I risk hurting myself. Come out of the comfort zone putting some effort. Not only doing what is easy to do. Hold the limit point between the comfort zone and the hurt zone. Observe the sensations. How do they change, if they change? What sensations are they? When I notice, if I notice that by holding the position I risk hurting myself, release the position and return the pelvis to the ground. If I want I can do this position again or I can wait for the others in the Dead man position, listening to the body and the movements and the sensations of the body.
28.35 Observe the sensations. How they change. Both whoever is doing the movement and who is in the Dead man pose and recognize what sensations there are in which parts of the body.
29.10 Keeping the knees bent and feet on the ground. The knees looking upward and the feet firmly on the mattress. Bring the hands behind the neck, fold them behind the neck. Elbows are bent. If I feel I can, slowly start to bring the weight of the knees to the left. The knees start to drop to the left and maybe they reach the floor. Hold this twist and listen to the body sensations while doing this movement, while staying at the limit point of the maximum torsion. What sensations are there? In which parts of the body? If they change, how they change. I am aware of the sensations that there are on the body and the position of the body. When I feel that it is too much I can slowly bring the knees back up with the feet resting on the floor in the central position. If I feel I can do the same thing letting the weight of the knees fall to the right and when, maybe, the knees touch the ground, or maybe not, they stop before. Everyone tries to find their limit point and holds the torsion, feels, recognizes the sensations while holding the torsion. You can hold it longer or shorter depending on what the body desires at this time and on how the body sensations change and what kind of sensations there are. The head can turn to the left. Then I can bring the head back to the central position, looking at the ceiling. Bring the knees back to the central position with the feet firmly on the ground. If I want, I can do this movement a second time or remain still and listen to the body sensations. Everyone chooses but the awareness is on the body and the body sensations. If we notice that we are getting distracted, that the attention has gone somewhere else, to a thought, an emotion, what we will do tomorrow or what we did yesterday or anything else, a sound. I acknowledge that I am distracted, this is normal, we are like this. Without judging bring the attention back to the body and the body sensations. The body is listened to, felt. We aren’t in competition with ourselves or the others. We don’t have to have a thin beautiful body nor does it need to be able to do a movement better than another. This is not the point, right now we are developing the body awareness. Listening to the body. Recognize what the body tells us, what signals it sends us, and we listen. It is not an object body what we ask what we want. Performance or physical beauty. This is not the point. A body felt, listened to, lived with awareness for what it is right now. For what it feels right now.
33.53 We can return to the Dead man pose, bringing both the arms and legs back to the ground. Listening to the body sensations now. Then I can bend the left leg with the knee pointing upward and the left foot firmly on the ground. The right leg is still stretched and slowly raises, remaining outstretched, and maybe it can arrive to the perpendicular position. Perpendicular to the ground. I can also help with the hands to keep the right leg perpendicular to the ground and if I feel I can at this time, I can start to move the arms from the hips. The hands go to the right knee and maybe all the way to the right ankle. The head follows and approaches the right leg. Everyone decides their limit point, how much to do a movement. How far to go. When you feel that it is too much, when you risk hurting yourself, release the position and return with the legs on the ground.
35.46 Listen to the body sensations moment after moment. What sensations there are. How they change. Possibly, if we feel we can, do the movement on the other side. Rest the right leg, the right foot on the ground. Bend the right leg and gradually, keeping it straight, raise the left perpendicular to the ground. I can help myself with the hands, to hold the leg in position for a bit. I listen to the sensations now on the body. Aware of the position, aware of the space that my body is occupying. The limits of my body. I notice, by the body sensations, when I am at a limit point and don’t force in the direction to hurt myself.
36.51 So, when I feel that it is possible, if it is possible, slowly move the hands from the left hip to the left knee. Maybe also to the left ankle and the head approaches the left knee. The forehead approaches the left knee. Everyone searches for their own limit point between the comfort zone and pain. We observe, we continue to observe the body sensations while we do the movement or when we release the movement. When we feel that it is too much, when we risk hurting ourselves, release the position and return to the dead man pose with both legs and arms on the ground
37.54 We observe the body sensations now, after this movement. How they have changed. What sensations there are. If they are changing and on what parts of the body. Then slowly start to move the weight from the back to the left flank. Keeping the awareness on the body, move to the left flank. One arm, the left arm remains stretched out on the floor under the head. The head is resting on the left arm and both legs are one on top of the other. The right hand is resting, in front of the chest, on the floor to support us.
39.07 If we can maintain this position, with the head resting on the outstretched arm. Or, if it is more comfortable, we can bend the arm and bring the hand under the head, the left hand that supports. Slowly, if we feel we can, raise the right leg to our limit point at this moment. Observe the sensations. From what do we notice that we are at the limit point? What sensations are there? How they change, if they change. Maintain the right leg up for as long as possible. When we feel that it is too much, we can release the position. Everyone observes, as much as possible at the moment, without competing with ourselves or others. When we feel that it is too much, release the position and bring the leg to rest on the left leg. We can do this movement once or more times. Faster or slower. Even raising the leg just a little bit if we feel that this is what the body is asking at this moment or we can raise it even more. Everyone observes their own limit. What is the body asking and where we risk hurting ourselves.
40.53 We can do this movement again or stay observing, maintaining the two legs resting one on top of the other. Whether we do the movement or remain still, continue observing the body sensations. What sensations are there? How they change and if they change.
41.35 When we feel that it is too much. We notice by observing the body sensations. How they change. In which points. Then we rest the leg and we can slowly return the back to the ground and bring the weight to the right flank.
42.09 Now, we have the weight on the right flank. The right arm can be on the ground with the head resting on the arm or I can support the head, the hand under the head with elbow bent and the left hand resting on the ground in front of the chest to support us. Once again we can choose whether to raise the left leg, how far to raise it. Everyone observes their own limit point and moves out of the comfort zone but avoids hurting themselves. Observe the body sensations. How they change. What the sensations are. What makes us notice the limit? What makes us notice that we risk hurting ourselves? If the limit changes, observe that the limit changes. If the body sensations change, observe that they are changing and how they are. When we notice that it is too much, that we risk hurting ourselves, release the position and bring the left leg back on the right leg. We can do this movement once or more times depending on what the body asks. We can do it slower or faster, keeping the leg raised longer or shorter, raising it a lot or a little depending on what the body asks for at the moment. Observe the body sensations whatever movement we decide to do with the left leg.
45.26 If we notice that we have become distracted, that from the body sensations we have gone somewhere else. A thought, a mental image, an emotion. Anything, or a sound, anything that has distracted us. It is normal that our attention has gone somewhere else, acknowledge where we are, where we were and gently, without judging bring the attention back to the body sensations now.
45.56 When it is too much, release the position, return to the dead man pose with the back on the ground and listen to the body sensations now. Then slowly turn, keeping the attention on the body, with the belly on the ground.
46.28 Now we are with the belly on the ground. Rest a cheek on the ground. The hands are along the body. We can, if we feel it is possible, slowly raise the right leg continuing to observe the body sensations. We can keep the leg raised for more or less time. We can raise it higher or lower. Depending on what our body is asking at this moment.
47.16 When we feel that it is too much, we can release the position and bring both legs back to the ground. Continuing to observe the body sensations we can do the same thing on the other side. Raise the left leg and hold. Search for the limit point, where we force but don’t risk hurting ourselves. While we do this movement we continue to observe the body sensations. When we feel that it is too much we can release and continue to observe the body sensations while we are face down with both legs stretched out. We can do this movement a second time and if helps we can also raise our head from the ground. Continue observing the body sensations while we do this movement, whether we do it slowly, quickly, raise the leg for a longer or short amount of time. Continue to observe the body sensations now.
48.45 We can do it two times, three times or just once. It is important to observe the body sensations. How they change. What sensations there are. When we feel it is too much bring both legs back to the ground and we can imagine raising the head, the legs and the shoulders from the ground.
49.24 Then slowly, gradually bring the body back in contact with the floor releasing the position and listening to the body sensations now. If we feel that we are more comfortable in the dead man pose with the back resting on the ground, we can return to the dead man pose and feel what body sensations there are now after these movements.
50.32 The heart. The breath. The whole body.